What does an ADHD Coaching Session look like?
Let's cut to the chase and get to know each other, no bull. Opening up might feel like diving into the deep end, but hey, we've all been there. This is a judgment-free zone where you can be yourself, quirks and all. Your journey matters, and we're here to lend an understanding ear.
Team Effort
In our sessions, it's all about teamwork. Together, we'll tackle the challenges and brain fog moments that come with ADHD. Whether it's navigating distractions or wrestling with impulsivity, you're not alone in this. Consider us your partners in crime as we navigate the highs and lows of ADHD life.
Let's Make a Plan
Now, let's talk agendas. I know, not the most exciting topic, but hear me out. Setting a plan helps us stay focused and track our progress. We'll tailor it to suit your needs and keep things on track. And hey, if we get a bit sidetracked by shiny distractions or bouts of brain fog (it happens to the best of us), we'll bring it back with a dose of humor and a game plan.
How We Measure ADHD Coaching Sessions
At the end of each session, typically around the 50-minute mark, we like to wrap things up. This gives us a chance to reflect together, see how you're feeling, and make sure we're hitting the mark in helping you out.
Reflection is super important for us. It helps us figure out if we need to keep going with more sessions and what we need to focus on next.
Just so you know, we're not into quick fixes here. This is a journey, not a sprint! It usually takes a few sessions for us to really get into the groove and start making progress. We usually recommend around six sessions to really see how things are going.
So, take your time to think things over, and get ready to dive in. We're here to support you every step of the way and help you be the best version of yourself.